Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas To Molly!

Just a few days before Christmas now, but last week I received my present from Harlequin Mills & Boon. My first advance check came in the mail. Yippee.
Now I'm hard at work on my second book. That sounds so exciting to say that! But I love writing. Writing fulfills some creative need I have. Of course, it's a long time to get that satisfaction that such an accomplishment brings. While I'm waiting for that to happen I craft when I have time. Mostly I make cards, envelopes, quilt and knit. Not too much time for that lately between working, taking care of my 6 year old, being a wife, making a lame attempt at house keeping, meeting with my critique group every two weeks and writing.
My editor is Jenny Hutton and she's a lovely woman. There is an interview with her at:
I am very fortunate to have found Jenny. Or maybe she found me, I'm not sure which. In any case, my manuscript was in the slush pile sitting on her shelf for many months before she read it. Thankfully, she didn't pass on it and worked with me to polish it to where it was ready for publication. I hope she doesn't have to work so hard on this next book!
Now I need to get back to the writing part for a while. My goal is to have this rough draft finished by the end of December. I have a few days left and about 70 pages to write. I think I can manage it.
Happy Holidays, whatever they are, to everyone who happens by my little blogspot.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Progress as a first time author--Line Edits!

Well, I received my line edits. That is a manuscript that is printed out much as you would on your own computer, but on the left side, each page is assigned a number. This makes it easier for everyone to find the errors that need to be corrected before it goes to press. There were a few what I call "European-isms" that I found. Since the book will primarly be available in Europe and Australia, they get to have those changes. One example was, Respiratory Therapist was changed to Respiratorist. I don't even know if that's a word, but I marked it and sent it back. The next phase is galleys and though I haven't seen one, I hear they look more like a real book. An author can send galleys to reviewers ahead of the final print book. I think that will be the most exciting time. When I have that first book in my hands and can open it, read it, smell it and savor the experience for the very first time, will be the thrill of a life time. Then, I get to do it all over again!
Happy reading,

Monday, October 16, 2006

Molly Evans is born!

About two weeks ago I received a call from a lovely editor at Harlequin Mills & Boon in London. She wished to buy my book! Of course, I said, "uh, yeah, go ahead and buy my book." Really, it was a thrill to have this discussion. It's a discussion that every author craves. The Call! Although I have published an ebook and a few short stories, this is the first time I feel like a "real" writer, though I have been writing for many years.
Receiving "The Call" is the most special time in writer's life. Someone out there thinks that what you write is good enough for others to read and they are putting their money into it. So anyone who is writing with the hope/intent of publication, my best advice to you is this: never give up.
I'm off now onto my next book, which will also be a medical romance. Hey with twenty four years of nursing experience, I have a lot to write about!
Happy reading,
Molly Evans