Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Progress as a first time author--Line Edits!

Well, I received my line edits. That is a manuscript that is printed out much as you would on your own computer, but on the left side, each page is assigned a number. This makes it easier for everyone to find the errors that need to be corrected before it goes to press. There were a few what I call "European-isms" that I found. Since the book will primarly be available in Europe and Australia, they get to have those changes. One example was, Respiratory Therapist was changed to Respiratorist. I don't even know if that's a word, but I marked it and sent it back. The next phase is galleys and though I haven't seen one, I hear they look more like a real book. An author can send galleys to reviewers ahead of the final print book. I think that will be the most exciting time. When I have that first book in my hands and can open it, read it, smell it and savor the experience for the very first time, will be the thrill of a life time. Then, I get to do it all over again!
Happy reading,


firecracker82 said...

OH wow, is this THE Harliquinn company? that's just amazing! will the book be available in the US as well? when do you expect it to go to press? congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

itcouldhappen said...

Ms. Evans,
Hola! So awesome for you! Be sure to let me know how to check out the finished product. Wouldn't it be great to get a book tour out of this? Hit the European/Australian markets?
You keep on keepin' on. Here's to many more "Calls!" Congrats!

Molly Evans said...

hi firecracker82,
this is THE Harlequin company. I'm still thrilled with it and working hard on my next book. The book will go to press in Switzerland any time now. It will be available in hardback in May and then in paperback in july 2007. Keep up with the blog. I'll post when I know more.